363rd EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) unit challenge coin

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363rd EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) unit challenge coin

Posted in : coins on by : gonavyrdb Comments:

I was blown away when these guys first contacted me as I had know idea there was an EOD unit in Coolidge Arizona. Well it turns out that there is in fact an Arizona Army National Guard unit designated as the 363rd Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit that gathers in Coolidge Arizona.

I hope to attain all of these orders when they enter my purview as I love manufacturing custom challenge coins for everyone from my home state of Arizona.

The nickname of the 363rd Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit is the Suicide Kings, which could not be more fitting for folks attempting to deal with and dispose of ordnance. I can’t imagine the amount of bravery it takes to do this job. It must be terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

I love the playing card idea and I especially love the suicide king on this design as one end is holding a gun to his normal regal head and the other has the sword plunged into a skull.

As the owner and operator of Spartan Coins I am deeply grateful and appreciative for the opportunity to create this custom coin for the Arizona Army National Guard.

I hope everyone has a great month of February 2022.

363rd Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit military challenge coin